The Pink Elephant Cannabinoid Education Initiative was started by concerned industry members. The Cannabis Consumer is now in the mix of the Wild Wild West of product development, with very little regulation and oversight. We all can agree too much oversight is bad, but a little more oversight in an ingestible market isn't a bad idea! True industry leaders in a brand new industry lead with education. If you want your customer to be a long time customer and continue buying your product you formulate in ethics, and a hard splash of transparency. The consumer wants to understand the product and how it interacts with their body, they also have the right to know what was sprayed on that plant and the growing conditions the plant was produced.
The Pink Elephant is just that, it is a Cannabis Education Platform built on the mission "Truth through Transparency". The non-profit platform uses industry leaders to help directly answer consumers questions, not only about the products, but also about the processes behind the products on the market. With new Cannabinoids being harvested and developed everyday, the consumers have barely heard about CBD and now they are learning about all these new cannabinoids. They don't understand, and it not only makes the market unstable, it also develops distrust in the consumer.
We need to be transparent. Consumers are the guinea pigs....... there the pink elephant is out of the corner and in the middle of the room!
Yes, consumers are in many ways playing the role of guinea pig, beta trial participant, or controls in the industry market experiments. Its not as bad as it seems. It is a natural plant after all right? Well.... Yes, but there is more to it than that. The Cannabis plant is unique, it siphons the bad things out of the soil, which is good for the soil, but not always good for the consumer. Next, what about the extraction process? It s actually concentrating the cannabinoids that are found in the plant, just like any extraction process, so that also means it is concentrating the bad things too? Yes. That is why this industry is built on Lab Reporting. True companies and leaders that are compliant, and playing by the rules, are not hiding in the grey corners anyway. They are posting the lab reports for their products and can in many cases offer a storyline of the plant from conception to harvest. Even if the manufacturing company doesn't know the farmer, they should be buying from someone who does.
With all this being said, if it wasn't dicey enough, lets just add that 70% of the product on the market is either "fake" containing no cannabinoids at all, or just plain inconsistent and inaccurately represented by the label on the bottle. This is the majority of the industry, because of a lack of regulation, and because the vast majority of companies apparently are only interested in short term gains. The 30% of us that are doing it right are gaining more market share everyday in loyal lasting customers. This Education platform is dedicated to the 30%.
Enjoy our content, if you like it, support us in any way you can. We are a non-profit in an industry where there are no banking, not to mention no bank loans. Time is equal to money in our eyes! Already a Cannabis educator, donate some time! A Consumer who likes the info and wants to learn more- donate, or support our partners and advertisers who do!
Thank you,
Justin E. Hamilton
CEO - Hempleton Investment Group, Inc.
Founding Member - The Pink Elephant Cannabinoid Education Initiative